About yukosteel


Thanks for visiting, this portal - is my hobby driven contribution to extend photo community knowledge related to photographic equipment (especially maintenance and repair areas).

I’m happy to chat about photography, lens disassembly and improvements. If you have question or challenge – send me some details or pictures to yukosteel@gmail.com, I’ll be glad to help. In many cases I was able to help people remotely through conversations to finish their repair projects.

Most articles are focused on disassembly guides, though there are also lens reviews, DIY projects, repairs and various modification.

Sometimes I'm also performing free of charge repairs for interesting lens failure cases (mostly mechanical), that could lead to a good knowledge sharing article. If you think you have an interesting case of broken lens that could be repaired mechanically - send me a message with details.  

I'm currently located in US so take that into account while considering shipment cost (which I often split though).

You can also find me active on following resources:


Yuri (yukosteel)

This blog is not profitable and is adds free resource. If you find this material useful and cost saving for you - then my goal is accomplished. Sometimes people are asking me for alternative ways to thank for the help. Well, I don't want this blog to turn into a paid job, but think that minor support of my coffee addiction would help to energize and motivate further content creation. I'm still exploring best options for this, though meanwhile the yukosteel@gmail.com PayPal would work for small coffee tips if you choose to make.